Premium Punk from Tokyo Taboo
[This article was originally published in MNPR Magazine]
London based rock Duo Tokyo Taboo have just finished up their UK tour, and I was lucky enough to catch them at one of the last dates, in Aberdeen – but don’t worry they’re playing plenty more shows, and you’re going to want to catch them… because these guys are a show band through and through!
Dolly Daggers is the psychedelic front woman of this London duo (with a band for live shows), and immediately owns any venue she walks into. Crazy contacts, a glitzy outfit and insane platform boots set the tone for a punchy vocal performance, that showed amazing control to seamlessly flow from precise rapid fire lyrics through to epic screams. But it’s the way she flung her properly-punk-pink hair around that showed you she loves doing this. Mesmerising and raucous fun for the whole set is an impressive feat…
Mike on guitar is the other half of this pair and brought understated flair to sections of each song, supporting but never drawing attention away from the vocals. Quiet confidence showed, as did the obvious chemistry between the duo, and the melodies and hooks pushed all the right buttons.
Full marks to local independent studio D-Range who put on the gig – booking a cozy venue that also provided scaffolding for Dolly Daggers to climb and take over was a stroke of genius!
Tokyo Taboo put out their fantastic debut album “6th Street Psychosis” in 2017, but to get the full effect you’ve simply got to see them live. Find them and run, don’t walk, to their nearest show.